PAL Plus Program Staff

Cindy Wilson, PAL+ Program Director
Cindy Wilson, Program Director of the PAL Mentoring Program, is a native to Oklahoma. She was born and raised in Claremore and graduated from Bryan Institute as a Medical Assistant. Following graduation, she moved to Wichita where she began working for an OB/GYN office. She has lived in Wisconsin and Louisiana where she worked in OB/GYN, Family Practice and Dermatology. Upon moving back to Claremore, she worked in OB/GYN until she became a stay-at-home mom. She volunteered in several areas at Westside Elementary as well as being a substitute teacher. Prior to transitioning into the PAL+ Program Director position she was the Evaluation Specialist for the PAL+ Program. She began working part-time with Volunteers For Youth in the fall of 2019 and became full-time in June 2020. She also worked part-time with Rogers County Youth Services in the U-Turn long term suspension program.

Calli White, PAL+ Evaluation Specialist
Calli White, Evaluation Specialist of the PAL+ Mentoring Program, is a Claremore resident and devotee. She was born in Texas and has also lived in Florida and Alabama. She attended bible school where she pursued music and theology. In Florida, she taught music and theater to ages kindergarten through twelfth grade at a private school. She moved to Claremore two years ago when her husband, Jordan White, accepted a job at CEIDA as the Business Development Specialist. She is very involved at her church, Destiny Life in Claremore. She teaches elementary music at Claremore Christian School once a week. She began working part-time with Volunteers For Youth in the summer of 2022.

Mendy Stone, PAL+ Training Coordinator
Melynda (Mendy) Stone is a lifelong Claremore resident. She earned a degree in Advertising/Public Relations from the University of Tulsa. She and her husband Gary have two married children and two granddaughters. Mendy started the PAL Mentoring Program along with of a corps of volunteers dedicated to enriching the lives of young people. She spent 20 years leading the Volunteers for Youth organization as it grew to include several other programs aimed at positively impacting youth and now holds a part-time position as the PAL+ Training Facilitator. She is a nationally recognized leader in the mentoring field.

Darlene Passmore-Armstrong, PAL+ School/Community Liaison
Darlene Passmore-Armstrong is a life-long Claremore resident, graduating from Claremore High School in 1978. She went on to earn a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture and a Bachelor of Landscape Architecture from Oklahoma State University in 1984. Darlene married Bobby N. Armstrong, Sr. in 1992 and they were married just shy of their 22nd Anniversary when he passed, due to PSP-Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (a Parkinsonian disease) resulting from exposure to Agent Orange in the Vietnam War. Step-son BJ Armstrong, his wife Rachel and their two boys, Owen and Hayden, are some of those in which she is most proud. Darlene was a founding member and the Drummer for the PRCA Entertainer of the Year (during several years in the 1980s & 90s) group the StoneHorse Band for 23 years. She was also the Human Resources Director for Fleming Building Co., Inc. for almost 25 years. Darlene loves animals, kids, the great outdoors and art, and began serving in October 2019 as the Project Specialist for the Partnership for Success in efforts to further awareness and prevention of opioid misuse and underage drinking in ages 9-25 in our Rogers County community. Another Volunteers for Youth door opened in October 2020 just after the funding for PFS ended. It was in the PAL+ Mentoring program as the Community/School Liaison accompanied by the Volunteers for Youth Furry Ambassador and Community Liaison, PawLea PawPAL. The duo will be helping with children throughout the County, specifically those at risk of opioid misuse.