June 2022 Mentor Newsletter

PAL+ Happenings  
June was a busy month for the PAL+ Program.  We welcomed Calli White to the team.  We are excited to have her join us.     Every third Saturday is Kids Day at the Farmers Market, Mendy, Darlene and PawLea entertained children who visited the booth with roping and making stick puppets.   BLAST camp was June 20-24.  We helped serve breakfast on Monday and attended their awards ceremony on Friday.   PAL+ was invited to the Will Rogers Summer Camp at the museum.  Mendy, Darlene and PawLea led an activity station.  They made stick puppets and preformed skits with 115 children.              
Training Tidbit – Goal Setting   If you have the chance to do some goal setting with your mentee Mentoring.org has a very good webinar you may want to watch.  You can access the webinar at  CMWS March 2022 – Helping Mentees to Set and Achieve Goals – MENTOR (mentoring.org)                 The ability to set and pursue goals is linked to positive outcomes such as higher grades, career achievement, motivation, empowerment, and contribution. Higher levels of goal-directed skills are also linked with lower levels of depressive symptoms, delinquency, and risky behaviors such as smoking, underage drinking, and substance use.  There some very good goal setting worksheets available by just searching on google but one that we have just become familiar with can be found on the google drive for PAL Mentors inside the “Goal Setting” folder.  As a reminder, you can access that google drive by logging into google with this email address:  vfypalmentors@gmail.com and using the password PALment0rs!
The Seeds of Encouragement campaign is still going strong.  We had three mentors complete training in June.  As of today, we have four confirmed for the July sessions.     Training dates are: Session 1: 7/14 6:30-8:30 PM Session 2: 7/19 6:30-8:30 PM Session 3: 7/25 6:30-8:30 PM   Thank you for referring your friends and family! 
Upcoming Events   July 16: Kids Dayat the farmers market July 18-22: BLAST Camp – Open to middle school age students July 22: Lunch & Learn – Join us for lunch and learn about the PAL+ Program August 2: National Night Out August 5-7: Resilience Documentary airing for all PAL+ mentors August 8: PAL+ Open House – Come visit the office and meet the team from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

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